Incorporate company or entity in Florida


    Info about the Requester.

    Info about the Business Entity to set up.

    Contact details of the new company.

    Registered Agent

    Person designated to be an intermediary between the Government Entities and the Company. It has neither voice nor vote in its decisions..

    Partner Information:

    Natural or legal persons that will make up the company.

    • Photocopy of the valid Passport of the partners.

    • Photocopy of the valid American Visa of the partners.

    • Photocopy of the Driver's License of the partners. (For Florida residents only)


    • Name Registration, Articles of Incorporation: 495$

    • Tax ID Request: 75$

    • Shareholder Books: 120$

    • Application for Sales Tax Certificate: 120$

    • Operating Agreement: Depends on the company type.